Common Questions About Asphalt Shingle Roofing Answered
While there can sometimes be telltale signs of your roof having issues, often when something bad happens, it happens quickly. You try your best to be prepared, but you’re not always sure how to prepare. Here are some common questions to ask about asphalt shingle roofing that will prepare you for what may be to come.
What’s the Lifespan of My Roof?
Lifespan is dependent upon a few different factors. First of all asphalt roofing can last up to 25 years, but may only last as long as 12. Other factors include the climate that the roofing will have to face, the thickness of the shingles, and whether or not the shingles have been installed properly.
What Will Missing Shingles Do to My Roof?
If your shingles have experienced a dramatic weather event, and damage has caused a loss in shingles, this can be bad for your roof. Shingles are meant to protect your roof from moisture and more, so if your shingles leave gaps big enough for water to get in, it can cause extensive damage to your roof.
Should I Worry About Lost Granules?
Granules are the grainy parts on your shingles. When these dislodge, they can get stuck in your gutters. Additionally, these grainy bits are the first layer of defense that your shingles have to protect your roof. Lost granules will not only impact the look of your roof, but also the protection performance of your shingles. Too much loss needs replacing.
How Much Will a New Roof Cost?
The price of replacing your roof will depend on materials, as well as the shape and size of your roof. Having to work around skylights or chimneys can also affect the price. Add to that any disposal costs for the old roofing.
What Is Roof Flashing?
Roof flashing is a material that’s laid over the joints of your roof to add another layer of protection. Flashing is waterproof.
When Should I Replace My Roof?
There are a few things you should look for to know whether it’s time to replace your roof. If you’re noticing a lot of granules in your gutters, missing and loose shingles, seeing some obvious sagging, stained or dark spots, or you’re having a lot of leaks, you might want to consider replacing your roof. In addition to these things, exposed nailheads, damaged or missing flashing, and higher bills are also key indicators that your roof may have reached the end of its life. Finally, if your asphalt shingles are more than 20 years old, you might want to consider new roofing.
Your roof protects your whole home, and that home is your castle. You should be able to trust your roof so that you can live in comfort. Rather than leaving that up to chance, trust the experts at Exteriors by Window Makeover. Our team is ready to upgrade your roof, whether you want new asphalt shingle roofing or are considering a metal roof. Contact us today and get a free quote for your project.