When Original Historic Windows Are Worth Saving
Old homes come with old windows. Some can hold themselves up as the years go by and others need to just go. Unfortunately, it can be difficult trying to determine whether you should keep your historic windows. That’s why we gathered some of our top tips to help you decide if it’s time to replace your old windows or if you should save your current ones.
Tips on Determining Whether to Keep Historic Windows
The first thing that you should keep in mind when trying to figure out if you want to keep your original windows is whether they are even salvageable. With some old homes, the materials that were used to build them might not be able to stand the test of time. For example, a lot of old windows built with just wood can rot after a decade or two. This means that you could possibly save the windowpane, but not the wooden panels. When trying to determine if your windows are salvageable, look at:
One of the biggest reasons people try to keep their historic homes’ windows is because they can add value to the property. Because it’s becoming increasingly difficult for old homes to retain their original windows, homes that do have them may have higher property value. It’s a detail that many homeowners love to see and often intrigues them to buy.
Some people find issues with older windows because they are less energy-efficient due to their ability to block less of the outdoor temperature. Nowadays, double-pane windows are common to better insulate a home as well as be more energy efficient. If you think your windows let too much of the outdoor air in, there may be other ways to fix them without having to get rid of them completely. If that’s not possible, replacing your windows may be the best option to save on your energy bill.
While restoring your home’s historic windows is definitely an option, sometimes the cost may be much more than the average window installment if you replaced them. For some people, that’s enough for them to decide to replace the old windows and go with new ones instead. But for others, a little extra cost to keep the beauty of the old windows and their aesthetic is no issue. The choice is ultimately up to the homeowner.
Window Restoration When You Need It